Holyhead / Dublin

Please choose your route of travel.
Please choose your outward sailing date
Please choose your return sailing date
Please choose a GB rail station
{{ adultCountDeparturePassengers }} adults {{ adultCountDeparturePassengers }} adult , {{ childCountDeparturePassengers }} children , {{ childCountDeparturePassengers }} child , {{ infantCountDeparturePassengers }} infants , {{ infantCountDeparturePassengers }} infant , {{ wheelchairCountDeparturePassengers }} wheelchairs , {{ wheelchairCountDeparturePassengers }} wheelchair , {{ petCountDeparturePassengers }} pets , {{ petCountDeparturePassengers }} Pet
{{ adultCountReturnPassengers }} adults {{ adultCountReturnPassengers }} adult , {{ childCountReturnPassengers }} children , {{ childCountReturnPassengers }} child , {{ infantCountReturnPassengers }} infants , {{ infantCountReturnPassengers }} infant , {{ wheelchairCountReturnPassengers }} wheelchairs , {{ wheelchairCountReturnPassengers }} wheelchair , {{ petCountReturnPassengers }} pets , {{ petCountReturnPassengers }} Pet

    We accept bookings for vans used for non-commercial purposes up to 6m long and 2.6m high. Any van or vehicle, regardless of size, carrying goods or equipment for commercial purposes, should book through our Freight Commercial Team. In the event of an incorrect disclosure, Irish Ferries reserve the right to re-price the booking and collect any excess, including VAT, at check-in.

Please choose your method of transport
Please choose your vehicle dimensions
Please choose how many motorcycles you will be travelling with
Please choose your trailer dimensions

    We accept bookings for vans used for non-commercial purposes up to 6m long and 2.6m high. Any van or vehicle, regardless of size, carrying goods or equipment for commercial purposes, should book through our Freight Commercial Team. In the event of an incorrect disclosure, Irish Ferries reserve the right to re-price the booking and collect any excess, including VAT, at check-in.

Please choose your method of transport
Please choose your vehicle dimensions
Please choose how many motorcycles you will be travelling with
Please choose your trailer dimensions
Please confirm that your vehicle meets the above dimensions.
You have entered an invalid promotion code. Please try again.
Please select if you want to use a euro or Sterling Tesco token. You can only use ONE token per booking.

Viaggia in tutta facilità tra la Gran Bretagna e l’Irlanda sulla notra rotta Holyhead/Dublin

  • Imbarco 30 minuti prima della partenza.
  • Tempo di percorrenza: a partire da 3 ore 15 minuti
  • Fino a 4 traversate giornaliere.
  • Goditi tutto il piacere di una breve crociera.
  • Dublin / Holyhead
  • Holyhead / Dublin
Traghetto Partenza Arrivo
Cruise Ferry*  - giornaliero  02:00 05:25
Cruise Ferry  - giornaliero 08:05 11:30
Cruise Ferry*  - giornaliero 14:30 18:00
Cruise Ferry  - giornaliero 20:55 00:20

Our Dublin Swift service returns Spring 2024.

Please refer to our Quick Quote for sailings.

Traghetto Partenza Arrivo
Cruise Ferry - giornaliero 02:40 05:55
Cruise Ferry* - giornaliero 08:15 11:45
Cruise Ferry - giornaliero 14:10 17:25
Cruise Ferry* - giornaliero 20:15 23:30

Our Dublin Swift service returns Spring 2024.

Please refer to our Quick Quote for sailings.

Traghetti su questa rotta

  • Ulysses
  • Dublin Swift
  • Isle of Inisheer

L’Ulysses è il traghetto per il trasporto di auto più grande al mondo e vanta una capienza di 1342 posti auto e 2000 posti passeggeri. Meravigliosamente equipaggiato, offre ai passeggeri una vasta gamma di servizi, come ristoranti, cinema, sale TV, video-giochi, aree gioco per bambini, 2 ampi bar, un negozio e la lounge Club Class.

Vantaggi a bordo

  • Vista Panoramica
  • Reception
  • Club Class
  • WiFi Gratuita
  • Area Shopping
  • Boylans Brasserie
  • Blooms Bar
  • Area giochi per bambini

Il “Jonathan Swift” è il nostro traghetto veloce che collega Holyhead a Dublino e vanta un tempo di traversata di solo 2 ore! È un traghetto moderno e ben equipaggiato che ti permetterà di raggiungere la tua meta velocemente!

Vantaggi a bordo

  • Vista Panoramica
  • WiFi Gratuita
  • Club Class
  • Area Shopping
  • Boylans Brasserie
  • Cafe Lafayette

Welcome aboard the “Isle of Inisheer”

Take time to relax on your Irish Sea or Ireland - France crossing. Enjoy a choice of lounges Use your generous duty free (Irish Sea only) allowance in The Shop on deck 7 and remember, you can now order in advance and collect your bargains onboard, with our new ‘Click & Collect’ service. And prepare for your onward journey with a wide choice of freshly made to order food and snacks in Boylan’s Brasserie and Café Lafayette.

What's onboard

  • 360 Tour
  • Panoramic views
  • Reception
  • The Shop
  • Freight Driver's Club
  • O'Flaherty's Bar

