Alle tijden zijn locale tijden
- van Dublin
- Gepland vertrek
- Geplande Aankomst
- Schip
- Status
- Dublin - Holyhead
- 01:15
- 04:45
- Inisheer
- Aangekomen
- Dublin - Holyhead
- 07:30
- 11:00
- Ulysses
- Aangekomen
- Meer Iinformatie.
Actuele Reisinfo
Latest check-in time is 30 minutes before the new departure time.
See for contact details.
- Dublin - Holyhead
- 13:45
- 17:15
- Inisheer
- Aangekomen
- Dublin - Holyhead
- 19:45
- 23:15
- Ulysses
- Vertrokken
- Meer Iinformatie.
Actuele Reisinfo
Latest check-in time is 30 minutes before the new departure time.
See for contact details.
dinsdag 11th februari
- van Holyhead
- Gepland vertrek
- Geplande Aankomst
- Schip
- Status
- Holyhead - Dublin
- 01:30
- 05:00
- Ulysses
- Aangekomen
- Meer Iinformatie.
Actuele Reisinfo
Latest check-in time is 30 minutes before departure.
See for contact details.
- Holyhead - Dublin
- 07:30
- 11:00
- Inisheer
- Aangekomen
- Holyhead - Dublin
- 13:15
- 16:45
- Ulysses
- Aangekomen
- Meer Iinformatie.
Actuele Reisinfo
Latest check-in time is 30 minutes before departure.
See for contact details.
- Holyhead - Dublin
- 19:30
- 23:00
- Inisheer
- Vertrokken
24hr Prerecorded Telephone Information
(This information is updated after every departure)
If calling from Netherlands phone: + 353 (0)818 300 400 (information in English)
Contact details for Irish Ferries Offices and ports in Britain, Ireland and France
Alle tijden zijn locale tijden
van Dublin
van Holyhead
Route | Dublin - Holyhead |
Gepland vertrek | 01:15 |
Geplande Aankomst | 04:45 |
Schip | Inisheer |
Route | Dublin - Holyhead |
Gepland vertrek | 07:30 |
Geplande Aankomst | 11:00 |
Schip | Ulysses |
Meer Iinformatie.
We wish to advise that for operational reasons your 08:05 Dublin to Holyhead MV. Ulysses sailing will depart at earlier time of 07:30.
Latest check-in time is 30 minutes before the new departure time.
See for contact details.
Route | Dublin - Holyhead |
Gepland vertrek | 13:45 |
Geplande Aankomst | 17:15 |
Schip | Inisheer |
Route | Dublin - Holyhead |
Gepland vertrek | 19:45 |
Geplande Aankomst | 23:15 |
Schip | Ulysses |
Meer Iinformatie.
We wish to advise that for operational reasons your 20:55 Dublin to Holyhead Ulysses sailing will depart at earlier time of 19:45.
Latest check-in time is 30 minutes before the new departure time.
See for contact details.
24hr Prerecorded Telephone Information
(This information is updated after every departure)
If calling from Netherlands phone: + 353 (0)818 300 400 (information in English)
Contact details for Irish Ferries Offices and ports in Britain, Ireland and France