All sailings are shown in local times
- from Dublin
- Scheduled Departure
- Scheduled Arrival
- Ship
- Status
- Dublin - Cherbourg
- 05/10/24
16:00 - 06/10/24
11:00 - W.B.Yeats
- On Time
Saturday 5th October
- from Cherbourg
- Scheduled Departure
- Scheduled Arrival
- Ship
- Status
- Cherbourg - Dublin
- 05/10/24
18:30 - 06/10/24
12:30 - James Joyce
- On Time
24hr Prerecorded Telephone Information
(This information is updated after every departure)
If calling from Britain phone: + 44 (0)3717 300 400 Calls cost 13p per minute plus network extras Contact details for Irish Ferries Offices and ports in Britain
De la France (info en anglais): + 353 (0)818 300 400 Pour obtenir les coordonnées de Irish Ferries en France
If calling from Ireland phone: + 353 (0)818 300 400
Contact details for Irish Ferries Offices and Ports in Ireland
All other callers phone: + 353 (0)818 300 400
All sailings are shown in local times
from Dublin
from Cherbourg
Route | Dublin - Cherbourg |
Scheduled Departure | 05/10/24 16:00 |
Scheduled Arrival | 06/10/24 11:00 |
Ship | W.B.Yeats |
24hr Prerecorded Telephone Information
(This information is updated after every departure)
If calling from Britain phone: + 44 (0)3717 300 400 Calls cost 13p per minute plus network extras Contact details for Irish Ferries Offices and ports in Britain
De la France (info en anglais): + 353 (0)818 300 400 Pour obtenir les coordonnées de Irish Ferries en France
If calling from Ireland phone: + 353 (0)818 300 400
Contact details for Irish Ferries Offices and Ports in Ireland
All other callers phone: + 353 (0)818 300 400