
Brand & Identity Guidelines

  • Irish Ferries & Irish Continental Group (ICG)

  • We have strict rules governing the use of our brand identity across every platform.

    See our guidelines document here:   Irish Ferries Brand guidelines

  • If in any doubt as to how best to represent our logo or identity, please contact marketing at
  • Here is a selection of images we’d like you to use. Feel free to download right away. We’d like it if you credited us as a source wherever used.
  • Click on download link, Right click on image, Save image as.

Irish Ferries Corporate Logo – (White solid background)

Download  Hi Res jpg 300 dpi 735 x 325 381kb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 549 x 243 90kb

Irish Ferries Corporate Logo – (Colour solid background)

Download  Hi Res jpg 150 dpi 2000 x 1102 351kb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 960 x 529 119kb

Route Map 

Our Routes  Downloads Hi Res jpg 150 ppi 1489 x 1047 208kb


Oscar Wilde Aerial images - more images available here

Oscar Wilde aerial Download Hi Res jpg 300ppi  2000 x 1498  2.2 mb
Video: Oscar Wilde - our latest addition to our Dover Calais route    1m 44 sec 



Oscar Wilde aerial Download Hi Res jpeg 300 ppi 2000 x 1497 2.8 mb




Oscar Wilde aerial  Download Hi Res jpg 300 ppi 2000 x 1497 2.8 mb



W.B. Yeats

W.B. Yeats -  Sail in Style  Download Hi Res jpg 150 dpi 4340 x 2894 3.6mb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 1000 x 667 356kb

W.B. Yeats - Innisfree Club Class Lounge

Innisfree Club Class Lounge  Download Hi Res jpg 150 dpi 2083 x 1389 2mb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 1000 x 667 548kb

W.B. Yeats - Boylan's Brasserie

Boylan's Brasserie  Download Hi Res jpg 150 dpi 2083 x 1389 2mb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 1000 x 667 560kb

W.B. Yeats - The Maud Gonne Bar & Lounge

The Maud Gonne Bar & Lounge  Download Hi Res jpg 150 dpi 2083 x 1389 1.7mb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 1000 x 667 543kb

W.B. Yeats - Café Lafayette

Café Lafayette  Download Hi Res jpg 150 dpi 2083 x 1389 1.5mb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 1000 x 667 437kb

W.B. Yeats - Lady Gregory waiter service restaurant

Lady Gregory A la Carte Restaurant  Download Hi Res jpg 150 dpi 2083 x 1389 1.6mb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 1000 x 667 469kb

W.B. Yeats - Arrival Dublin

W.b. Yeats Arrival Dublin  Download Hi Res jpg 150 dpi 2083 x 1389 1mb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 1000 x 667 405kb

Dublin Swift Aerial at Sea 

Download  Hi Res jpg 300 dpi 3900x 2598 4.47mb
Download Low Res jpg  72 dpi  1000 x 600 364kb

Dublin Swift

Download Hi Res jpg 300 dpi 3900 x 3180 1.29mb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 1000 x 815 96kb


Ulysses External Image 

  Download  High Res Jpg 300 dpi 1772 x 1070 2.08mb
Download  Low Res Gif 72 dpi 425 x 257 85kb

Ulysses Club Class

Download  Hi Res jpg 300 dpi 2000 x 1333 2mb
Download Low Res jpg  72 dpi  480 x 320 165kb

Ulysses James Joyce Balcony

James Joyce Balcony Download  Hi Res jpg 300 ppi 2000 x 1360 801kb
Download Low Res jpg  150 ppi  1000 x 680 296kb

James Joyce External - More images available here

Oscar Wilde Download   Hi Res jpg  96 dpi  5610 x 3740  3.78 MB
Video: James Joyce arrival - Dublin Port      

James Joyce Arrival

Oscar Wilde Arrival Download   Hi Res jpg  240 dpi  5280 x 3956  4.67 MB

James Joyce 

Oscar Wilde Arrival Download   Hi Res jpg  180 dpi  3264 x 2448  3.3 MB

Isle of Inishmore External Shot 

Inishmore Download  Hi Res jpg 72 dpi 4673 x 2466 2.9mb
Download Low Res jpg 72 dpi 100 x 528 241kb
360 Tour: Isle of Inishmore

Isle of Inishmore 

Isle of Inishmore Download  Hi Res jpg 300 dpi 5315 x 3543 9 mb
Download Low Res jpg  72 dpi  1000 x667 600 kb

Inishmore Club Class

Isle of Inishmore Club Class Download  Hi Res jpg 300 dpi 5568 x 3712 5.2mb
Download Low Res jpg  72 dpi  1000 x 667 324kb

Inishmore Café Lafayette

Isle of Inishmore Café Lafayette Download  Hi Res jpg 300 dpi 5568 x 3712 4.2mb
Download Low Res jpg  150 ppi  1000 x 667 346kb

Inishmore Drivers Club

Isle of Inishmore Drivers Club Download  Hi Res jpg 300 dpi 5568 x 3712 3.6mb
Download Low Res jpg  150 ppi  1000 x 667 201kb

Isle of Innisfree

Isle of Innisfree Download  Hi Res jpg 240 ppi 6080 x 4053 6.2mb
Download Low Res jpg  72 ppi  1824 x 1216

360 Tour: Isle of Innisfree

Isle of Innisfree

Isle of Innisfree leaving Dover Download  Hi Res jpg 240 ppi 6000 x 4000 6.9mb
Download Low Res jpg  72 ppi  1800 x 1200

 Isle of Inisheer

Isle of Inisheer Download  Hi Res jpg 240 ppi 6000 x 4500 8.2mb
360 Tour: Isle of Inisheer  

